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Do We Have a Candidate for the ‘22 Gubernatorial Election?
Not yet. Our candidate for the gubernatorial election will be nominated at the 2022 state convention.
When will the 2022 Convention Be Held?
February 26th
Can a Protest Organizer Be Held Liable for the Actions of a Protestor?
Under the First Amendment, protest organizers cannot be held liable for the unlawful acts of others that they did not direct, order, or incite simply because they were at the same protest. Under no circumstances whatsoever shall the Libertarian Party of Nevada direct, order, or incite unlawful acts.
It Is Legal to Photograph or Videotape Anything and Anyone on Any Public Property?
The First Amendment protects the act of photographing, filming, or otherwise recording public property, public employees, and police officers conducting their official duties in public.