Donald Trump Made the GOP the Sexual Assault Party; Vote Libertarian!
This is the second in a series of daily videos to be released between now and the general election.
You already know what lewd things were said on the tape. You already know the controversies of his whole presidential campaign. Republicans, I warned you about Donald Trump the FIRST time around in 2011, when I was campaigning for Ron Paul. After the "Hot Mic" tape was released, one Republican after another is pulling their endorsement of the Trump-Pence ticket.
Donald Trump has turned the Republican Party into the party of sexual assault. Republicans who spoke out against Trump include:
John McCain
Mike Lee
Mitch McConnell
Mitt Romney
Reince Priebus
Kelly Ayotte
Jeb Bush
John Kasich
And many, many more!
Republicans, you made him. You brought him here. You nominated him. Your ONLY hope for beating Hillary at this point is to unite behind Governors Gary Johnson and Bill Weld. If you DON'T want to forever be the Sexual Assault Party, VOTE LIBERTARIAN.
The video is the work of Zach Foster. LP Nevada is not responsible for its contents.