Elko County LP Marijuana Resolution
Friends of Liberty,
The Elko County Commission has gone too far. Banning the sale and distribution of marijuana in Elko County is a step backward for you and me - for the entire county! The sale of goods and services should be up to the individual citizens involved in the exchange - the government has no role to play in free enterprise.
We met on Tuesday, October 3rd to create our unified response, which you can see below. You and I know the economy is strongest when people can go to work and buy goods or services as they please - marijuana is no exception. With that in mind...
Will you sign the petition below?
Thank you - you are helping grow the grassroots of liberty here in Elko - please share this page with your friends and family in Elko and ask them to sign - you don't have to be a Libertarian to sign our petition!
Sean Fericks
County Coordinator
Elko County Libertarian Party
WHEREAS, the purpose of government is to defend the natural rights of her individual citizens; and
WHEREAS, citizens have the natural right to trade goods and services among themselves; and
WHEREAS, our nation’s birth was a justified rejection of, among other things, overbearing economic regulations and prohibitions on trade and goods; and
WHEREAS, the State of Nevada has legalized the production, transportation, sale, and consumption of Cannabis products; and
WHEREAS, the Cole Memo demonstrates that the federal government places a low priority on regulating the cannabis industry thereby mitigating the conflict between federal and state law; and (https://www.justice.gov/iso/opa/resources/3052013829132756857467.pdf)
WHEREAS, Cannabis consumption causes fewer adverse health effects than alcohol or tobacco consumption; and (https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/fact-sheets/alcohol-use.htm)(https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects.htm)
WHEREAS, Cannabis is a safe and effective alternative to addictive opiates with virtually no risk of death by overdose; and (https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/data/overdose.html )(https://www.drugabuse.gov/related-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates)
WHEREAS, legal Cannabis consumers are less likely to be involved in violent crime than legal alcohol consumers; and (http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2810%2961462-6/fulltext#article_upsell)
WHEREAS, Nevada Cannabis dispensaries utilize more aggressive identification and security measures than alcohol, cigarette, and opiate distributors; and
WHEREAS, failure to provide a legal means of acquiring a desired good always results in a thriving and illegal black market, necessitating more law enforcement encounters, arrests, incarceration, and court costs; and
WHEREAS, the black market does not regulate against the sale of Cannabis to minors; and
WHEREAS, many other jurisdictions have legalized Cannabis production, distribution, processing, and sales with minimal adverse affects to the community; and
WHEREAS, the Elko County Commission has passed COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 2017-04 effectively promoting the black market and continuing a failed drug war in Elko County; now therefore
That the Elko County Commission has violated its purpose as a government body bound to defend the natural rights of her individual citizens to freely trade goods and services; and
That the Elko County Commission has wrongfully usurped authority over her citizens in a misguided attempt to protect them from their individual choices in the pursuit of happiness; and
That the Elko County Commission should correct its error by rescinding COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 2017-04.
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