Nevada Legislation

LPNevada is currently drafting legislation to introduce to the State Assembly and State Senate. LPNevada is drafting the following three legislation(s) and identifying sponsors:

  • Legalization of Recreational Use of Marijuana. This is an industry where Nevada should have lead the way. Colorado has experienced rapid growth by creating a new industry overnight. Tourism is up, new jobs have been created and Colorado has become the nucleus for the Marijuana industry. LPNevada is drafting legislation similar to Colorado, and trying to push it through the State Legislature and get it signed into law.

  • Nevada Jobs and Entrepreneur Diversity Act. Nevada should set a precedent to the rest of the country on by allowing easy access to capital for businesses which require investments to launch or further develop their business model. Strict laws make it very challenging for companies to successfully raise capital. This act will enable Nevada companies to easily raise money from Nevada residents via intrastate offerings. This will also encourage new job growth by incentivizing companies to relocate to Nevada. Additionally, one of the goals will be to create a niche banking industry in Nevada with an influx of venture capital firms, venture capital funds, hedge funds, investment banks and traditional banks who wish to participate in these offerings. Furthermore, startup companies will be incentivized to establish a presence in Nevada to take advantage of benefits for doing business in Nevada.

  • Nevada Alternative Currency Act. LPNevada will be working closely with members of the digital currency community to provide leadership on legislation which will recognize alternative currencies such as digital currencies, gold and silver as legal tender in Nevada. Currently there are not any laws in the Nevada Revised Statutes which prohibit the use of alternative currencies, however, we would like to be proactive in lieu of reactive to legislation. Additionally, we would like to include the ability for Nevada to pay bills to the state (taxes, licenses or other expenses) in alternative currencies to include silver. After all, we are the silver state!

If you are interested in helping on the Initiatives or if you have some ideas for Initiatives, please CONTACT US or fill out this volunteer form.