Proposed Bylaws Amendments

The following bylaws amendments proposals have been submitted. Text in red is deleted by the proposal, text in blue is added by the proposal. For reference, the current bylaws can be reviewed here.

Proposal 1


The proposal is to change the annual contribution requirement from sixty dollars ($60) to twenty-five dollars ($25).


III. Membership

Section 2. Dues-paying Membership: Any resident of Nevada shall be considered a dues-paying member of the LPN provided they:
            A. Already qualify as a general member under Section 1,
            B. and have donated at least sixty dollars ($60) twenty-five dollars ($25) in monetary or in-kind contributions to the LPN in the past 365 days.

Proposal 2


The proposal is to add a third requirement to Section 2 requiring dues-paying members to certify in writing that they oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals.


III. Membership

Section 2. Dues-paying Membership: Any resident of Nevada shall be considered a dues-paying member of the LPN provided they:
            A. Already qualify as a general member under Section 1,
            B. and have donated at least sixty dollars ($60) in monetary or in-kind contributions to the LPN in the past 365 days.
            C. and have certified in writing that they oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals.

Proposal 3


The proposal adds a substantial level of detail to the process of electing delegates to the Libertarian Party National Convention and changes it from a simple "majority vote" to a style of approval voting. In addition, it allocates two delegate seats to the LPN chair and vice-chair and adopts a mechanism that ensures state-wide representation, and not just Clark County representation, by requiring that at least two delegate seats be occupied by members living outside of Clark County. Lastly, it changes how vacancies are filled prior to the National Convention from being voted on by the LPN Executive Committee to being replaced by the next highest ranked nominee from the state convention.


IV. Convention

Section 9. National Convention Delegates. The LPN may nominate delegates to the Libertarian Party National Convention by majority vote of the Convention during an even-numbered year.
            A. Should any vacancy arise prior to the start of the National Convention, the Executive Committee is empowered to select a replacement by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
            B. Should a vacancy arise after the start of the National Convention, the credentialed delegates to the National Convention are empowered to select replacements by a majority vote. This vote shall be conducted by the delegate Chair, who is selected by the majority of Nevada, National Convention, credentialed delegates.

The LPN shall elect delegates to the Libertarian National Convention, hereinafter referred to as LNC, at every Convention during an even-numbered year. The names of all dues-paying members in attendance that express their intention to serve as a delegate to the LNC to the LPN secretary shall have their names added to the ballot.

Each ballot may receive a number of votes up to the number of available LNC delegate slots, not including two delegate slots which are to be set aside for the LPN Chair and Vice-Chair, with no more than one vote going to each delegate nominee.

Delegates to the LNC are then determined by ranking delegate nominees in descending order based on how many votes each nominee received with the LPN Chair and Vice-Chair occupying the first and second positions respectively. If fewer than two individuals currently residing outside of Clark County are designated as LNC delegates, the highest ranked individuals meeting such criteria are to replace the lowest ranked delegates until two non-Clark County residents are delegates.
            A. Should any vacancy arise prior to the start of the LNC, the next highest ranked nominee shall fill the vacancy.
            B. Should a vacancy arise after the start of the LNC, the credentialed delegates to the LNC shall select replacements by a majority vote. This vote shall be conducted by the delegate Chair, who is selected by the majority of Nevada LNC credentialed delegates.